Candlewax & tattoos (PAIN/PVIN Magazine teaser)

How about some easy reading while you wait for the second lockdown of 2020?

Would these subjects & cover stir up your interest..
And still be artful/tasty enough to leave it casually lying on the side table when suspected kinksters are visiting?

PVIN / PAIN Magazine Vol 01

Yes, we are brainstorming about a new magazine that combines bodyart, kinks, art & BDSM (online + print). 

The idea for the magazine is to be non-binary in it's approach. Meaning that it would not be only focussed on straight kinksters, nor only on LGBTQIA+ kinksters. But to show both from their darkest/arty-est/most open side and hopefully be a bridge in between both groups.

The question is of course whether there are interested viewers/readers,  models (mf+), photographers, tattoo + other artists, bodypiercers, copywriters and sponsors/advertisers in Belgium to realize a magazine like that.
But hey, we've already got the 1st cover. Looks
, doesn't it?

More PVIN on Flickr


  1. Ja echt wel hoe kan ik abonneren ?

    1. Dat is super tof nieuws ^_^
      We zijn momenteel aan het polsen of het realiseerbaar en levensvatbaar zou zijn. (modellen, medewerkers, advertenties,..)

      Wat vind je van de cover? Esthetisch verantwoord? Aanlokkelijk om tot lezen aan te zetten? Beetje opwindend? Smaakvol genoeg om zonder schaamte te laten rondslingeren?


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