Transformist art project

Transformism takes cultural archetypes, forms and ideas and makes changes to create new shapes, visual forms and structures that redefine what it means to live in a critical age for the human species. 

Nature is dying due to human actions. The current human civilisation is in steep decline.
With time Nature will adapt and survive this crisis as it has done in the ages before.
Our consumerist, post-industrial civilisation will fall as have all civilisations before.

And those who survive will slowly adapt, change and evolve.

On the verge of this change you should learn to love the way your body anchors you in this world. If you feel like a woman, be in love with your body. If you feel like a man, be in love with your body. If you feel like your spiritual & fysical gender are not the same, be the person you feel like being and love yourself.

Yes, we are all different. Yet we have so much in common.
We all have nipples. We all have reproductive parts.
Everything on your body might be small, or big, or unequilbrated. 
You might dislike looking at yourself. You might even dislike your body.
You might only see the imperfections and doubt yourself when looking in the mirror.

And I ask you: Why?
Why don't you accept yourself?
Why don't you embrace your imperfections?
Why don't you love your body?
Everybody is both beautiful and imperfect and that combination makes you unique.

You don't believe me? What if you had the chance to shift parts of different people between them to create a unstopable stream of ever-changing unique individuals? Would the result be transhumanist (Transhumanism actively promotes human enhancement) or would it proove to you that no one is better than another person? Only personal taste and cultural doctrine decide what is considered Perfect. But secretly we are all perfect, we are all unique and we should embrace body positivity for the time that remains.

For this project I need the help of couples (f/m/x 18-80 yo) who let me make a photo & a videoclip of each these 3 parts of their bodies so I can combine those parts into such everchanging stream of unique, yet non-existing omni-sexual indiviuals. There will be an obligatory censored version for the prude socials and a full frontal version to be shown during fairs & events. If you feel like participating anonimously then use the contact form below.

This art project is in collaboration with a foundation stimulating body positivity, LGBT+ integration and alternative views on sexuality.

Events/fairs interested in hosting this project may use the contact form in the sidebar on your lefthand side.




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