I need to do more boudoir

Truth or Dare?
Allow me to choose Truth for once: I should make wày more boudoir, bodyscape, nude art & fetish art pictures than I'm doing right now. I've made some of those during the lockdowns (Alas I only publicly post pictures that were made for expos & anonymous samples allowed for portfolio useage) but now work, events & fairs are keeping me so busy I hardly have any time left. And in all genres (especially for boudoir and duo-boudoir) I feel like there's soooo much more to try.

Soon we'll see how we can create more time to turn some ideas into images. Give a howl if you're interested in a shoot ( solo or together with your [play] partner) of which (anonymous) pictures can be used for expos & portfolio and you don't need the shoot to be planned "Today or tomorrow at the latest" 😜

Egyptian lights

Originally posted on Flickr


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